Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Meet Jorge Rodrigues Gastin and his orchids (Orchid Photos)

Jorge Gastin ( Jorge Rodrigues Gastin)
City Nova Friburgo - State of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Jorge pleases us all the amazing photographs of orchids and their habitats. Jorge lives in Brazil, where it is very a lot of orchids. For about 40 years, he is interested in orchids and collecting them. Jorge orchid photographed a little less, about 35 years old. Also in this hobby hit and Bromeliads. More photos here Jorge Gastin - Photo album

Alatiglossum ciliatum by Jorge Gastin

Bulbophyllum crassipes by Jorge Gastin

Oncidium ornithoryncum by Jorge Gastin

Bulbophyllum flaviflorum by Jorge Gastin

Bulbophyllum rotschildianum by Jorge Gastin

Dungsia harpophylla by Jorge Gastin

Laelia mixta by Jorge Gastin

1 comment:

  1. I am trying toi reach Jorge Gastin via e-mail. Can you help me with his e-mail addrress

    Rudolf Jenny (
